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The Pendant Chapter Two Twenty years later: Cerena Black looked over her new apartment while toying with her purple pendant around her neck. Ever since her eightieth birthday her necklace had glowed and had a warm ness to it that her mother associated with the closeness of her 'soul-mate' Cerena herself didn't totally understand the point in the pendants each infant received. She supposed heart break was so horrible to the people who made the pendants that they thought no one wanted to go through heart break. But isn't that how the human race learns? Cerena diminished her thoughts of the pendants for these thoughts were viewed as treason. She walked over to a box marked simply as 'memories' she opened it carefully and she took out a picture of her and her best friend Amilee. She smiled as the memory of that day rushed in like the flowing rapids of a canyon river. Amilee had insisted on going to the park she had said 'I feel him!' Cerena had been confused at her meaning being that they were only twelve but they had met their best friend that day Justin he was sweet and head over heels for Amilee. Cerena released the photograph and plucked out a picture of herself at graduation she seemed happy at the time but now she was at the age when she was supposed to meet her soul mate. She gave up on unpacking and walked out the door. And as she locked her door her pendant glowed a bright purple and warmed until it was almost unbearable. She turned quickly and saw a young man with curly short black hair and olive toned skin. He looked her way and she noticed his pendant.... It was glowing purple the same color as her's. Chapter Three: Cerena walked over to the man who shared her pendants color and stopped inches from him. He spoke first because somehow she had lost all her vocabulary just being a arms length from this man who was undoubtedly her soul-mate. "Hello. I'm Oliver" "I'm Cerena," she didn't know talking to her soul mate would be so difficult. "Do you want to get a coffee sometime?" Oliver asked quietly. He was shy as well. Suddenly she didn't feel so alone. "I'm free now." Cerena whispered. Oliver smiled at her boldness and with his own boldness he took her hand in his and guided her to the elevators. "Let's play a game." "Alright. What are to play?" Cerena replied playing along. " Twenty questions." "Alright. You first." "What's your favorite color?" "How original. Hmm purple. You?" "Same." "Hmm alright, where are you from?" "Sector Twelve" "Sector Ten" Cerena smiled and finally understood why she hadn't found him until now. He had lived in another sector. The elevator dinged and they were thrown into the lobby, their pendants still glowing fiercely. Oliver still wouldn't release her hand. She knew he like coffee and he lived a few doors down from her. Yet she still couldn't believe her luck with how handsome her soul mate was. They reached their destination and Oliver pulled out her chair for her and pushed her chair in. She was love struck already and smiled at him as he sat a crossed from her. The waitress was not to far away and hurries over to their table. Her pendant was pink with swirls of white. "Hello I'm Zara and I'll be your server today." Oliver looked up at Zara,smiled sweetly and said "I'll have the double mocha espresso and the chocolate scone." "I'll have the same." Zara went off to the kitchen with our orders and Cerena enjoyed the comfortable silence between her and Oliver. "Here you are." Zara smiled as she set down their orders. Cerena looked up startled by how much time had passed just with the two of them staring into each-other's eyes. "Thank you." Oliver said to the retreating form of their waitress. Cerena looked at Oliver as she picked up her coffee cup and he his scone. They both asked as they set their choices aside, "How is it?" And they laughed, "I need to my mom I met you today." Cerena said happily, "I have to tell my father he said it would happen sooner rather than later and he loves being right." Oliver laughed. Cerena decided she liked his laugh and later decided she loved everything about Oliver Stone.

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