Echo There is a legend to ECHo, Echo, Echo! And I will tell it. One day a rude women beautiful walked up to Athena the goddess one day. She didn't know it was her because she started criticizing her on how much prettier she was than Athena. Thinking she had no worthy. So Athena cast a spell on the women to only repeat what others said. But the one problem was she was in an relationship. As he stood by the pond one day he said I love you to his reflection. And she repeated I love you. Her boyfriend thought there was someone in the lake so he jumped in and drowned. For he couldn't swim. The women was devastated that she lost her true love so she went into hiding. Maybe somewhere around you. So try it out. Go out side and yell something. She'll repeat, but we have our echo till Athena finds that poor women's worthy.
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