Chapter One? I walked into the diner as the dusk rolled into the desert. It's been a long day driving I thought to myself as I took a seat at the 50s style counter. Red fluorescent lights illuminated the corner of the room and pink lamps hung from the ceiling. I ordered a coffee from the waitress, a late middle aged woman who used the wrong color of red hair dye, and continued to think about my trip. I knew I had a long way to go and no time to stop for sleep tonight, the clock was ticking and I was already wasting time being here. By the time I finished my second cup of coffee I realized that anyone could easily find me by tracking my cell phone, so on my way out I ran over it in the parking lot, ruining the signal. I did not want to be found, running away was my choice and I intended to never come back. This is how #life is going to be now, one road at a time.
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Rachel Miller
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Rachel Miller
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Bu yorumu silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?
Rachel Miller
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