Translate   11 years ago

I Used To Dream Of A Knight What can you do when you get caught in the hook? What can you possibly think of when all there is in your world is that one man, that hook to keep you still? What will you do when you are hooked by heart and soul to a fishing rod that's made of maybes and cants? Who will take the blame, him or I, I the willing victim who stumbled in his hook, and had my heart taken? I used to dream at night, of adventures and castles hidden in the woods, of epochs of eternal light and everlasting love. I used to dream like every other girl, of this dark knight who would offer me his sword and unlike most little girls, I used to want to fight for him. I wanted to fight. For my knight. For my heart. Now I am a grown woman and the sword is piercing through my heart. He is here, that knight of mine, and at the same time not. He is with me one moment and the next he is with her. Who can rewrite the fairytales? Who can give the woman who fought a chance to a happier ending? Fairytales are as they are. Knights rescue princesses and the poor fighter girl remains in the side holding her bloody, ripped, hooked heart.

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