Translate   11 years ago

Once upon a time... Who am I kidding this isn't a fairy tale. Just me, my boring old unsocial #life. I'm Maria, 15, blonde, blue eyes. Just your Typical Barbie (not). I'm just a normal girl. Addicted to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, you know the usual. Monday morning (the worst). I dragged myself out of bed, slid my slippers on my feet, grabbed my dressing gown and walked rapidly towards the kitchen trying to dodge my over protective mother, she saw me. " where was you last night?" She asked. I ignored her. She asked again and again getting louder and louder. " I was at my friends because I have friends unlike you, so stop being so overprotective" " but you didn't" I cut her off " I didn't Answer my phone because I was too busy having fun with my friends, sorry for wanting to have fun with my friends. Sorry for not answering ill try and answer you next time and tell you where I'm at each minute of the day. So yeah mum that's where I was last night. I wasn't at home watching Eastenders like a loser was i? Oh wait that was you. " Yes I was harsh but you don't understand how much she annoys me. I stormed up the stairs back to my room. I grabbed my laptop and began to go onto the usual.. Trying to ignore my pathetic old mum or should I say "guardian"

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