The Adventure Chapter 6 " Sho, what do you think these creatures came here for?" Said Taytayo in a whisper. " I do not know." Anna, why do you think they are taking to their chief? Well Zach, if you went to your house and saw a stranger sitting at your kitchen table eating a apple, wouldn't you want to find a person you trust to ask them who the stranger is? Wait why is the person eating an apple? Never mind. Guys! I think I see some more creat...... Sysysoons. Yes. Said Sho. We are coming into our village now." Anna, Zach, and Derrick followed Sho and Taytayo threw the village where there was many domes made out of mud and leaves." There is our homes that we eat and sleep in." Said Sho. After a little more of walking the group walked up to a big dome that was three times bigger than the others. " This is where the Chief lives. You may go in. Thank you." Said Anna to Sho. When the group walked in, a deep voice welcomed them. " Who are you and why have you came to the land of Sisiuni? My Chief it is Sho and this is Anna and friends. They have come in peace."

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