Translate   11 years ago

The Green Sword Sir, right now two women standing, waiting for a bus. The first is just outside a Charity Shop in South London; the second is in the middle of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She has been forced to take the bus because of her gender. Although taking the bus isn't a big deal, the fact she has to take it shows how oppressive her government is by not allowing her to drive, to keep tight hold of her and ensure she doesn't escape. Not only that, she has been caged from head to toe in a restricting black garment, an even greater symbol of oppression. Right now, a man is waiting. But this man isn't waiting for a bus. He awaits his premature death. What was his crime? Murder? Rape? Neither. His only crime was falling in love. But because the one he loves is male and not female, he shall have a sword speed through his neck whilst having abuse hurled at him from a crowd of at least a thousand. That sword is the sword of the Saudi flag. When you look at that flag you see a country, your neighbour sees Islam. I see oppression. This treatment of human beings could never be imagined here in free and equal Britain. But sit, your and your colleagues in the House of Commons support this oppression every day. The green of your benches in Parliament matches the green of the flag that oppresses and kills. You insist on freedom, yet you shake hands with its enemy. When you trade with Saudi Arabia, your money goes towards its government. When you, recently, sent European Typhoon Fighter Jets to its army, you helped the enemies of freedom. But it isn't just you who should feel ashamed. I am ashamed. I am ashamed because it is my money, also, that pays for the swords. It is my money that goes to the oppressors. As a government supporting freedom, you are trusted not to give the money of the tax-payer to a government that is your enemy. When you trade with these creatures, you trade with Sharia. You support the killing of people in love and the oppression of women who would otherwise be powerful and successful. When you supply their army, you supply them with the power to create the extent of their oppression. When you look at their flag now, sir, do you still see a country? Do you see Islam? Or do you see oppression?

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