#life People wonder if there's #life out there in are vast galaxy and sometimes even question God saying if there's #life out there then there's probably no god or that God didn't create other systems and so on. But I can tell you without a doubt there is #life out there, #life probably more advanced then us, #life that could probably still be living in the dark ages, who knows! People question the belief of God saying that if he was real then he'd probably tell us or something, but he is real because he put us on this planet to live the way he told us in the bible. The bible is basically a manual for our planet, it only tells us about us and where we came from, nobody else. To put in shorter terms, the Bible doesn't tell us there's other forms of #life out there because its our written text, we live on it, if it told us there was #life out there we basically be trying to leave our planet and try to find them. So in all terms we are explorers that God has created to build our technology up and then go and explore the system why we others who ain't, keep the earth stable and living. This is my belief and I think this is our destiny.
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