Translate   11 years ago

Teenage fox chronicles The Furginsons where and odd bunch that lived on the shoreline of the states in New Jersey. The family lived in an old, busted, red house having a nasty looking porch that hung over the sand of the beach. They were a poor family whose son, Thomas, was a very troubled child. He'd spent his sixteen years as a commonly picked on kid dressed in hand me downs from his older step brother Owen, who would pick on him about it all the time. Owen was eighteen years of age and already had a full beard and mustache. Thomas grew tired of the constant bullying from his brother Owen and began to alert his parents of this. They believed him but did care much for him so they said to handle it on his own, causing him to get a bloody nose when he tried to punch Owen on the nose. His having bullied him wasn't the end to any bullying what so ever. He'd been bullied at school constantly because of his clothes and the streak of Snow White in his spikes black hair. He'd had that color in his since as long as he could remember. But they laughed at him calling him names such as old man and many guys asked him if he was from the Paleolithic era. Since he actually listened much in world history, he took offense to these jokes in particular. Why? He thought. Why must they be so Cruel to me. He gets pushed by an oncoming bully. "Watch yourself, dummy." Said Brent the bulky blond who hated Thomas for the same reason everyone else did. He was different. No, he wasn't ugly, but he was different and very shy. "Sorry about that." He put his head to the side as a girl calls him from the locker a few lockers down from his at which he stands in front of. She looks peppy like a cheerleader. He thinks and instantly remembers her name. Jessica skips over to him majestically like a gazelle. "I've heard you didn't have a partner to the dance." She says in a soft voice almost like she was singing. "Yeah." Thomas says in a quick cool voice. "Would you go to the dance with me?" Thomas couldn't believe what he was hearing and had a few doubts and deep down inside he felt unsure. Yes he liked this girl, but what if its all joke? "I would really like that." Thomas says but doesn't reveal who excited he is. His hope dies down as he hears he answer and has to suppress a tear from coming Down his eyes. "Oh so that means Brent would say yes!"she says in a peppy voice. "Thanks so much, Tom!" She gives him a pinch on the cheek and skips back to he locker as the late bell rings. She runs majestically down the hallway and disappears at the corner if the D-wing. He turns the corner that's right on the corner that's right n the side of his locker. He wipes his eyes to hide the tears and enters the classroom with a huff, when he sees that his old bat of a teacher sits at her desk in the corner. He hated language class just as much as he hated reading, and she definitely was the last person he wished to see at the moment. "Don't enter my class like that, mr. Furginson. Where's your pass mister?" "Sorry ms. Briggs. I was getting my notebook for this class out of my locker." He said as that's what he was really trying to do." "No excuses. Since you went through so much time to get the book, why not write me a five paragraph essay on why you should never be late." She stands up and goes over to the board to starts her lesson while Thomas takes his old red notebook he bought from his job last year. He dreaded the book of its oldness but couldn't buy another one because his parents forced him to quit his job. Though this was not his book for language class. It was a book filled with pictures he drew over the year of the images he had stuck in his head. Images that didn't make much of any sense to his #life but he felt as though they were far away memories. He flips to a blank page near the end of the book, and he sees his drawing from the page before. It's a picture from the ground of two snow foxes wit immeasurable beauty. On the necks of the two lays a large, shining, red ruby that shines. A tear streams down both of their eyes as the look down at whatever lays on the ground. For some reason, seeing the picture stabs at his heart for reasons unknown. He moves on to the next page and begins his drawing. It starts off as a series of lines but in time the picture becomes more alive. Birds fly in the bright blue sky and a clear river divides one side from the other and a castle made of green and blue crystals stands in the middle of the pay pointing towards the clouds. The highest tower glows brightly from a large ball of fire larger than two of the largest mammoths that site inside of it. Bright colorful bushes wrap around the huge tower, and In the center of each lies a bunch of red, pink, yellow, and blue roses. Thomas who's just realized he's been holding in his breath while drawing the picture gasps for air when he finishes. Sweat drips down his entire face and he looks up to see his peers stare at him in awe. People whisper about him to each other in the back of the room. Everyone stares startled from his out of place gasp. Ms. Briggs walks over to his desk and looks at his note book. Taken aback by the pictures beauty, she stands there silently with her mouth open shocked. Her face fixes back to normal as she recuperates from her amazement and she clears her throat. "This isn't art class, mr. Furginson!" "I apolog - " "After class!" She yells. "But -" "After class!" She walks back to her seat with a huff and dismisses the class while the bell rings. "Study for your exams next week!" She yells over the racket as everyone gets up and leaves the classroom. When Thomas walks in the hallway towards the stairs he's bumped in every direction by on coming teens. "Did you see that kid that blacked out in class?" Says the kid named William. His friend Ron chuckles and says, "Yeah. What a freak." Another kid with broad shoulders bumps Thomas hard and he begins to lose his patience. He looks back at the kid and his eyes change from a gray to a complete black. His teeth begin to hurt badly which brings him back to his senses. He puts his hand up to his teeth to feel for the pain but the boy pushes him into a locker and he hits his face against it hard. Pain fills his nose and gums and his head begins to ache. Kids from every direction laugh at him as he walks in a dizzy way. The hallways become upside and the world begins to swirl and a blue and green light flashes but he quickly recuperates and shakes his head. When he gets to the cafeteria he sits down at the table, alone, and he eats his sandwich he secretly packed on his own. If his parents found out he'd taken any food out of the house, he'd be whooped. This is what I have so far. I'm on vacation so you've missed some important parts from the prologue. This is chapter 1

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