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Lily And Me Chapter 2- Maths. For three hours straight. With a teacher like thunder. He's so old. He's bold. He's as skinny as a stick. His temper is as short as a goldfishes attention span. And then there's the seating plan. I sit next to this girl called Ashlyn. She's blonde, pretty and quite. And isn't friends with Lily. Behind me is Lotte. She's gorgeous. Her shoulder length dark brown hair, that falls perfectly. Her brown eyes which stand out against her slightly tanned face. She says that she isn't pretty but she's gorgeous. She honestly is. Next to Lotte is Callum. Callum has very dark brown hair and eyes framed by glasses that framed his eyes well. He was good looking- any one would say. He has a great sense of humour and is there for you when you need him. He's also my second best friend- think that's quite important to add. And there's Lily. No point stating her friends. The list is endless. She sits on the table opposite me. She's gorgeous. Just image Cheryl Cole. Younger. Brighter. Blonder. George isn't in our maths. Probably the only lesson he doesn't have with us, to be honest. Anyway, it was a normal maths class. We were half way through our three our lesson. We were all working on algebra. I'm rubbish. Can't do it at all. But Ashlyn can. So she lets me copy her. Callum reached forward and started pulling the ends of my medium length, red hair. I smiled. "What?" I asked turning around. "Hey," he smiled. "Hello," I smiled back. "Miss Smith! Mr Hall!" shouted the teacher. I turned around in an instant. "Sorry Sir. Won't happen again Sir," I sighed, smirking slightly. "Lines at break. Both of you," he chuckled, banging his fist down on the table. Lily and her 'group' laughed at us. Half an hour went past, and I couldn't wait to leave. "Lotte, what is x=10b-5, if b is 25?" Sir asked her. "245," Lotte retorted, sharply. As he turned around to write the answer on the board a paper aeroplane landed on mine and Ashlyn's desk. "Where's this from Ash?" I asked. "Guess," she sighed. Moving her eyes in their direction. I groaned. I couldn't be doing with this at the minute. I opened up the paper- DoNt WoRrY aLi. LiNeS wIlL bE sO fUn! DoNt HaVe ToO mUcH fUn, ThOuGh, DeArY It read. I was about to tear it apart, but Lotte reached over my shoulder and grabbed it. I watched her expression. Puzzled. Frown. Angry. Then the 'group' all came over...

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