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A Doctor Follows Orders I have had a #life of hard work. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I was forced to do it that way, or that I didn't want it that way. I did. But, it seems that all my #life, I've worked hard to achieve what I've done, then put it to good use. Being a doctor, that isn't an unusual story. Just to get into pre-med and stay in pre-med took hard work, especially the organic chemistry part. Ask most doctors, they'll agree. Then med school and long hours of classes, labs, study. You can't do it if you're not focused and a hard-worker. Then internship. I think most people have heard a few horror stories about the long, tedious hours doing careful, exacting work when you were bone-tired. Thank god, that's over. Now I practice in a hospital, a sizable one (are there any small hospitals anymore?), with many beds and many floors and many patients to see in a day. I'm also married, though so far without children; married for five years now. My wife, Danielle, is an elementary school teacher with her own interests and concerns. We love each other, of course, but we both tend to work hard and with all we both have going on, our sex isn't what it once was. Now, I suppose that's a common situation, I've heard others talk and kid around about it, but the hot, sexy lust we once had just doesn't seem to be there any more. Well, I more or less just resigned myself to the fact that our passion had cooled off but that was the norm. Not, just that, I did work around a bevy of women, mostly young women, some of them quite attractive and sexy. There was one in particular, Jana, who was from Slovenia, that's near Hungary and Austria, as I remember, and she's really beautiful in an olive-skinned, sultry way. She was about five-five, slender, glossy back hair down past her shoulders, dark eyes and a curvy figure that was the delight of all the male staff, doctors included. If you're looking for a DDD-cup voluptuous babe, well, I have to disappoint you. She wasn't top-heavy like some guys prefer, no, she was perfectly proportioned, and I really loved watching her when she was on the floor. I say that figuratively, about being on the floor; I would have loved getting her on the floor as would any male. You also have to understand that Jana was also the focus of the visual attention of every other male, not just me. She wasn't especially flirty like some but wasn't standoffish, either. Professional, yet friendly, would describe her as she went about her duties. I really never thought she paid much attention to me but, then one day, she asked me, "Phil, would you show me how you would like this dressing put on," when we were in a patient's room. She had always addressed me as 'Doctor Colvin,' never as 'Phil' before. And I also recently been noticing her looking at me during various times when we were on shift together. If I caught her, I always got a smile; a nice smile. A day or two later, we were changing a bandage on a patient in her room, Jana across from me on the other side of the bed, and when I looked up, I gazed down into her scrubs hanging open enough to show a beautiful golden breast and nipple, as her bra dropped off her breast a bit. I know, I'm a doctor and I see breasts all the time. Big deal, right? But it was perfectly formed as I stood there fixed on it. She looked up and smiled. Then, as we were finishing up, she came around to get the wrappers of the bandages we had used from the table next to me, and I felt her hand brush across my butt, then she left. The hand did not brush lightly but with purpose, palm-side down, hardly an accident. I had to finish up and head to the doctor's men's room to jack-off and calm my enormous erection. I felt like a teenager doing it but had little choice in the matter if I wanted to get through the rest of my shift. I did see her several more times that day and got an interesting smile each time. She always smiled and spoke each time we passed each other, now calling me Phil if we were alone, Doctor Colvin, if we weren't. And her smiles seemed different from the way she smiled at other people on the floor. Maybe it was what I wanted to read into it but I don't think it was. Then, after lunch one day the next week, I was at the nurse's station filling out some orders on a patient's chart when she came up to my side and asked, "Some of us are going out for a drink after work, would you come?" Before I really even thought about it, I heard my voice reply, "Sure, sounds nice." Her hand was on my back and as it slid down onto my butt, she said, softly, "Good, see you later, Phil," and went off down the hall leaving me with a massive hard-on and a massive fit of conscience. I went to an empty room and called my wife to tell her I'd be late, something not terribly out of the ordinary for a doctor, and told her I had to take a shift for a fellow doctor. Yes, I know…don't lecture me. Jana had told me where they were going and when I got there, she had an open place for me to sit next to her. As I walked in, I immediately saw that she had changed, she was now in a low-cut yellow sundress that just made her skin look more tanned than ever and gave a hint of the tops of her breasts. She was scrumptious. As I came to the table, she patted the place next to her where I squeezed in. I got a European kiss on each cheek from her, and the waitress came over for my order. There were four of them at the table, all nurses that I knew from the hospital though not all from our floor. We all chatted and after a second drink, our little group began to break up finally leaving just Jana and me at the table. As the last one left, she took my hand, faced me and asked, "Would you like to go back to my place, it's not far?" "Sure, that would be nice," I managed to say and I soon followed her over to her apartment complex. We parked and went up a flight of stairs where she opened the door. "Paula, I'm home, brought a friend." We stepped inside and her roommate was on the sofa doing some kind of work with a couple of books and a laptop. "This is Phil; Phil, Paula Mercer, my roomie." "We'll leave you to your work," she said as I followed her back into her bedroom where she closed the door. "Not much of a place to sit but you can join me here," and she patted her bed next to her. We chatted a bit about where we were both from, where we took our training, just general stuff you might expect. Then, she said, "And, you're married, right?" "Um, yeah, several years now," and I moved the topic back to her. "I really like the way you treat patients, Phil. And, I pretty much like you just for you," she said as she leaned over and kissed me, her mouth opening to receive me. Her hand went down to mine and brought it up to the front of her dress where I kept it, softly kneading the firm breast underneath. She slipped the strap off and pulled the front down baring a perfect breast for me to touch. I was now leaning over her as she lay back on the bed, my hand kneading her wonderful boob as we kissed and necked and made-out. Then, she pulled her head off to the side and whispered, "Would you like to have some kinky fun, Phil?" My cock throbbed ever harder as I answered, "Uh, yeah, whatever." "Is it okay if we don't have sex?" Totally confused now, I sputtered, "Um, yeah, sure," as my mind spun crazily trying to figure out just where this was all going. "Go ahead and take your clothes off, Phil, do you mind if I make a phone call?" she asked as she picked up her cellphone and punched it. As she stood there with her phone to her ear, I heard a phone ring in the other room. "Hi, it's me, could you come in here for a minute?" she asked as she grinned a sexy smile. I was now standing there in her room naked, she had pulled up the front of her sundress now as her door opened and Paula came in. She was taller than Jana and had rather large breasts tightly held in a tank top which showed her protruding nipples. "Here, Phil, get down on the bed," she asked and I lay down with my cock angled up at the headboard. She got up on the bed, still in her sundress, swung a leg up over me, pulled the dress up and lowered her bare pussy down on my face. As it came close, I could see a black patch of hair above the slit which was glistening with wetness. Then she pressed down wiping herself up and down over my mouth and I sucked and tongued her as she went along. She was sopping wet as she slid back and forth across my face, stopping sometimes to wiggle her pussy on my tongue. "Oh, god, yes, mmm, oh, Phil, mmm, I knew you'd be good. Oh, make me cum, baby, make me cum," she cried as I felt her lips close over the head of my cock and begin to suck. It had been about a week since I'd had sex, and the lead-up to all this was erotic enough, so please don't blame me when I tell you that my abdominal muscles tensed, and I began cumming into Jana's mouth as I felt her begin to tremble and shake as she scooted back and forth. "Mmm, mmmn, mmnn, mmmnn, mmm," she groaned as she sucked and sucked. Finally, she let my cock flop out of her mouth as she got up and moved next to me. "That was just what I've been wanting for weeks. Do you think you have something left for Paula?" she asked. "Um, well, I think so, I'm certainly willing to try." "You're next, roomie," she said as Paula quickly pulled of her tube top bringing her large, firm breasts out for me to admire. They had to at least be double-D's and didn't sag in the least. Then she soon had her shorts and panties puddled around her feet as she stepped out of them and crawled onto the bed to swing a leg over me and took up the same exciting position Jana had so recently vacated. Her lips slipped over my cock and began to suck as she lowered down to touch my mouth. She was shaved smooth as I licked up and back along the wet groove between her legs. I could feel a hand rubbing my chest softly and had to assume that it was Jana, as I probed my tongue into her friend while she sucked me so nicely. Paula was rubbing herself all over my face, she was sopping wet, my face was just drenched as she rubbed back and forth, groaning up over me with my cock in her mouth, giving me a truly wonderful suck. Well, Jana was correct about us not having sex if you use the definition proffered by a certain political news maker of the nineties. So, perhaps this was just relief, relief from a stressful job, a heavy workload, a way to defuse the sexual tension between a doctor and an attractive nurse that might otherwise destroy a marriage. Right then, I didn't worry about it, I just lustily devoured the hot, wet pussy I was presented with as I got my cock so sweetly sucked. I can tell you that Paula sure knew what to do when she had a penis in her mouth. It took a bit, after all, it was my second ejaculation of the evening but we did get one another off quite nicely. She, like Jana, had turned around afterwards as we held each other and kissed quietly. Then, after a few minutes, she whispered, "Thank you, it as fun," and got up, grabbed her clothes and went back out of Jana's room. Jana, now beautifully naked, got back into bed with me and we necked and made out for about a half hour, then we did oral sex again. We talked a while, naked in each other's arms, and she told me what she wanted. "I really like you, Phil, but I know you're married. I don't want to mess that up and cause any problems. But, I really liked what we did tonight and would like to be with you like this maybe once a week after work, so we can both enjoy this together." Well, an offer like that from a woman who looks like Jana is pretty hard to turn down, at least it was for me. "I think I'd be very happy to be together with you like this like you want. Yes, I'd love it," I answered as I kissed her. "And Paula, if she is here, would you like us both? She has no boyfriend at the moment." Well, that began my weekly affair with Jana and Paula, which is now into its second year. No, it hasn't changed into intercourse, it's still oral, but it's about as hot as a guy could want and I'm sure happy.

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