I Feel So Awful,- Ode To April It was always about me, Never about your cavalry. I jeered and jibed Turned my back when you cried Your call was distant and far, I killed it with a speeding car; Smashed through you Without even a clue About what I was doing to you. The womb from which you were given #life, Lost its struggle and I made you pay the price. You lost your mother, And I could think of no-one other Than me, stupid me, Selfish me, ALWAYS me. I want you to be free, To succeed be happy and find love, as her kindly eye looks over from above. Because I know she's watching you. She'd be so proud of you. I hope you never return, I hope I am long since adjourned. I want you to shake me from your soul, cast my demon away So that you may fill your days in endless play. The talent you have in just one hand is sure to give you success in a band. Its no longer about me, I wish you the best, I hope you'll be the greatest Person, because you are far better, stronger than I will ever be. (Copyright L

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