Translate   11 years ago

Bloody Bedtime One And A Half I woke up at dawn, a cool breeze ruffling my curtains. I got up groggily and sat on the window ledge, leaning my back against the wall. I slowly turned my head and stared out at the dawn light covered street. I noticed a figure looking at me from the tree line, just across the street and froze. The eyes were a dark red. Almost a brown, with an soft but harsh glare. I backed away from the window slowly, then ran down the stairs and opened the front door. I ran into the forest, searching for those eyes. I was scared, yes, but it didn't matter. I was suddenly grabbed around the waist from behind by two cold hands. "Your going to catch a cold out here." It was a man's voice. "W-who are you a-and what do you want?" I stuttered. Desperately trying to get out of the man's grasp. "Just to know what you happen to be doing out here so early." I'm sure he was smiling. "I want you to let me go." He rested his chin on my shoulder. " And I don't want to." I became very tense at his actions. I barely knew what he looked like, let alone his name and he was completely at home. I rammed my head into his face, causing him to release and back away. "You hit hard." He wined. "Bite me." I growled. He stopped and starred at me wide eyed. "What do you know about me?" His eyes were still wide. "How did you know that I'm a vampire?" My heart skipped a beat. "Y-your joking..." He looked like I had a gun pointed at him or something. "Your.....joking....." The wind blew through the trees, sun getting higher in the sky. The man seemed to notice this. "No, not joking. Have a nice day." In a blink he was gone.

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