Traducciones   12 años

Divergent Fanfic Chapter 2 Heart pounding, I return to my seat. I am giddy and am million tiny butterflies are flitting around in my stomach. Mr. Bently says a few words to conclude and steps down from the podium. I run to the restrooms to change. There, created by the Erudite, are electronic screens that allow you to build your own outfit. This is how I got my clothes for tonight in the first place. We are not allowed to wear clothes other than your Faction Standard, except for special occasions like this. I open the menu and select a red button that says "RETURN". Seconds after I do so, a chute pops out from the wall. A bathrobe is revealed when a panel next to the metal contraption slides to the side. I undress and put on the robe. I bundle up my my dress, shoes, and accessories and place them in, allowing them to slide effortlessly down the smooth, slanted steel. When they reach the bottom, they will be washed, sorted, and put away by robots. Personally, I think it's absolutely remarkable. I proceed to browse a selection of clothes and eventually put together an outfit of flowing blue and white top and black pants and flats. I press the green rectangle reading "SUBMIT" and the screen turns black. "Processing" appears in white lettering and the Erudite symbol spins. Less than two minutes later, the hook where the robe had hung spins around, revealing my new outfit arranged how it will be worn, with the shoes on the bottom, and the pants and top following, on hangers. Shedding the robe and dumping it down the chute, I don my personalized clothes. I exit the room and find only the Erudite, Dauntless, and both groups of initiates left waiting. The other factions always leave first. Recently, the Erudite invented a high-speed train, and they have been using it ever since. Candor, Abegnation, and Amity have all made excuses as to why not to ride it. But the Erudite and Dauntless compounds are the only two north of the Hub, and I guess the Dauntless wanted a more challenging train to jump out of. The Erudite had no objections to being joined by the rowdy group, because they take great pride in their work and love to show it off. "Wow," I muse. "I sure know a lot about Erudite." The train screeches in, and the Dauntless are the first to clamor in, with the transferred initiates trailing behind. Next go in the Erudite. I spit Macy's emerald dress among the crowd and push my way through to her. We stop to embrace (an uncommon practice to anyone but the Amity) and share a grin. But we can't talk right now because of all the noise and the bodies pushing us forward. Soon, we've reached the doors to the train. Macy grabs the handle, swings herself in, and gasps. I follow suit, and immediately understand her reaction. The train is full of plush blue seats that are practically sofas. The roof is sleek, shiny metal. When you step, the white carpeted floor absorbs the shock of your body, giving you the illusion of walking on a cloud. As my eyes peer down further into the car, I notice a section with tables and chess boards, as well dozens of high-tech machines hugging the walls with bright, colorful screens meant to do who knows what. Once we have overcome our amazement, we enter and sit down in a two-person seat/couch. For a while we just gaze around the train car in a daze, before I finally decide to break the ice. "Hey Macy, why are you still in your dress?" "I was afraid I was going to miss the train and get left behind," she responds. "They wouldn't have left you. Erudite keeps records on all the initiates, and they know exactly how many stayed and transferred." At this moment, as if to prove my point, a blue-clad man comes around with a clipboard. "Names?" He asks in a commanding tone. "Macy Bently." "Lianna Anderson." He makes a few marks. "Both Candor transfers, correct?" "Yeah," Macy says. As soon as he walked away I whispered to her, "See?" We chat a bit more about transferring and the Factions in general. After a minute or two, we've gotten in a heated argument about Amity and their Faction members. There aren't any to hear us though, thankfully. All of the Amity 16 year olds chose to stay, except for a pair of twins who transferred to Abegnation (which happens to be the most common transfer Faction for Amity). Other Dauntless and Erudite begin to stare at us. We are so caught up in our debate that we didn't notice the train silently start to move. We start to get funny looks and I nudge her and shake my head to indicate to stop. We are quiet for a moment, until I notice the lights flashing past from the long past Hub. "Whoa, we're going! I didn't even feel it start!" I exclaim, jumping up. "What? Really?" Macy looks out the soundproof windows. "We ARE! That's incredible!" In exactly 4 minutes and 37 seconds (there was a digital clock labeled "travel time" above the door), we reach the Dauntless compound. The doors open and wind rushes everywhere. Initiates and members alike begin to jump out onto the roof. When most of the Dauntless are gone, I hear a scream that pierces the air and turns my blood cold. I start get up to look, but Macy holds me back. "You don't want to see it. Trust me." And I stop, because I do trust her. Growing up a Candor has forced me to trust her and all others in our old faction. I begin to wonder what the future holds for my fellow initiates. For the Candor? Abegnation? Dauntless? Amity? And then I think. What does the future hold for ME?

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