übersetzen   12 Jahre

Harmony, Chapter 1 The new boy walked into the room. I had overheard, a few days before, that we would be getting a new student in Broonfield Middle. Named Pete Doug. He walked into the room, masculine, lean, and fit. A black t-shirt was stretched across his beautiful body. He had a hard jaw, with a square-ish face and high boyish cheekbones. His light, dirty blonde hair that looked to me kind of like Peeta Mellark's, from the Hunger Games. But what fascinated me the most was his eyes. They were a dazzling green. Looking into his deep eyes was like looking at fire in the rain. He looked around and saw the empty seat next to me and gave a small smile to Mrs. Joldie, our English teacher. She shook his hand and welcomed him to seventh grade. He took his textbook from her and gazed around the class to find a place to sit. Once again, as his stunning green eyes swept over to me, I saw Pete's eyes linger on the empty chair next to me. I instantly looked down, wishing I had dressed a little nicer than my usual baggy sweatpants and tee. He sauntered over to me in the back row, flashing me a perfectly crooked smile before asking, "Is this seat taken?", gesturing towards the blue plastic chair next to me. I stopped breathing.

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