Smiles Are Deceptive Smiles are deceptive Mine's painted on An extra layer added For all the things that went wrong There are flicks at the edges But the laughter's gone Evidence of my toil My story, my song Smile they say Then every thing will be ok A smile is enough To Improve any day Just smile And all your troubles will go away That is what they say My smile is the perfect facade To hide beneath It's even become waterproof To the tears I weep It's finds a way censor out The words I speak It manages to stop me When I sound too deep My smile is my protection From the truth I see If they could see past it They'd be seeing me And that's my greatest fear To simply be The imperfect girl behind the smile That no one would believe Was me Smiles are deceptive Mine's painted on An extra layer added For all the things that went wrong There are flicks at the edges But the laughter's gone Evidence of my toil My story, my song

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère