Translate   11 years ago

The Five Powers Ćhapter 1 We're am I He awakes in a place full of light he thinks he's in heaven but now he's somewhere else he doesn't even know." "Huh we're am I"says the boy your in the hospital"before he can say another word the boy says "what happened" " we'll I know you do to want to hear this but your parents died in a car accident you were the only one who survived" "no no no it's not true" I'm sorry,but we have a visitor your brother" my brother Michael oh my god"the boy says" hey Kyle you found out about mom and dad I know that sucks but we can get through it together" I hope so" " hey doc can he come home"Michael says " yes he's us stable ill get the paper for him to be discharged" ok thank you doc"it's fine and I'm sorry for your lost"thank doc"(10 minutes later) " ok Kyle time for you to go home" " ok thanks" on the way home it was silent no one talked " mom and dad were going to wait and tell you this when you turned sixteen but now they can't" "what are you talking about""just shut up and listen ok there are things in this world that can't be explained and were one if those things we have what Michael say something" the next thing I know Michael has purple orb inside his hands it glow it floats to me I hold out my hands I swear I hear it whisper " your time has come be careful" but forget it " mike what is this?" Ok like I said before we aren't. Able to be explained we have how should I say this powers everyone generation has a different our generation has more than one we have five the first one is mind control"I don't understand why we're mom and sad going to wait to show me this" they didn't want you to be overwhelmed"so they didn't tell me I had powers wow why mind control?"it's just what are power is but remember there are three more" this it crazy" says Kyle I can't believe this I have powers but even though my parents didn't want to wait a tell me how did they get into the car accident and only I survived does that have to deal with me living before he can make another thought he falls sleep dreaming of his parents.

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