Happy Sadddd This morning, I woke up in my boyfriend's bed. I could barely open my eyes. Like, I'm always just exhausted. We cuddled for a while and whatnot. No rush to get up- it was like 6:20. We got all warm and kissy and I got sleepy. And then he's like "would you like some coffee, princess?" and I was like "yeah". Psh, like I would say no to coffee! And we spent the next thirty minutes together (which was lovely) until he took me home. Well I am at fucking work now, and I hate it. This place brings me down, man. Like, so low. I am miserable and I want to be with people that I love. Not these ignorant fucking hicks. Actually, I want to move to San Francisco and bring Drew, Kayloo, and my mom with me. I love them and I hate this. Currently listening to Sepia Rainbows by Ugress. Thank you.

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