After Death I don't necessarily believe in a god, but that's not to say that one doesn't exist. We have no proof as to if there is a god or not, just like we have no proof that our universe is the end. Science just hasn't reached that far yet, and it may never. I was brought up as a catholic, I know the beliefs of the Catholic Church and there is nothing wrong with the majority of them- they're just not my own. I see no proof to the existence of a god; and I know that pretty much makes me a doubting Thomas, but today it isn't always a smart idea to go on faith alone. This doesn't mean that I'm an atheist though, an atheist is someone with a strong faith that no god exists- and that isn't me. I don't know if there is some greater being out there, but I definitely don't believe in god in a religious sense. Especially the whole after#life thing. Many religions believe in some sort of after#life- the idea goes all the way back to the ancients- somewhere to go after you're #life on this world has ended; but by my beliefs no such after#life exists. When we die, we die, there isn't anything left. It's the end. And I think that we delude ourselves with a sense of somewhere like heaven so that we're not so afraid of that ever approaching darkness. And it's a nice idea I guess, but I'd rather not lie to myself all the way up to those final breaths. Stepping off of that cliff into the unknown is terrifying, but in the end we have no choice. Even if you've led the most sheltered #life in the world, death is still a certainty and it will forever be an unknown to the living. Everything comes to an end, and one day none of the people we knew will exist, and new people with new dreams will; and everything that we ever did will just be a story to them- the last pieces of ourselves left on earth. And that's scary- to think that in the end none of it matters, but it's also strangely freeing. To know that all of those little mistakes just don't matter in the great scheme of things, can give you such a sense of freedom- we all return to dust and ashes. And we're all just stories in the end. © Emily Hay 11/6/2013

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