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Skies are gray Staring into the rainy skies as the color gray fills my skin with weight. The sky was ill and tempered today as she pouted and scream her tearful face to the ground. Her pain dulled her lovers face,how can the Earth endure such a dreadful lover as the sky. Today she as lovely as the rose but then turn into a fury at judgement. Someday I wonder how sky can change so quick. Can we truly know the sky? Sometimes I still wonder why I still waiting for? Is it a special calling or a purpose to get my #life in gear. Whatever it is I know my dad would like it to happen soon. He thinks I'm hopeless a dreamer,a wingless angel , a cloud that has no rain and a torch without a flame. I hope I can show him my wing are not gone, my cloud is full of rain and my torch has just been lit. I not just a hopeless dreamer but a dreamer spinning my dreams. What can I say I 'm in my late twenty no job living with the family. My #life seem to be lost for about eight years. Eight years of wasted time and regret that can be given back. It is equal to losing water in the desert. As I look at how it was the mirror in my mind goes blank and I feel numb to know I still regret so much. It like the haunting of regret just took on a #life of it own. It began to form me into a shadow of my former self. Taking my name ,my face and my pride. How can I fight something I find hard to kill? Or how do I bury something that keeps digging itself out? Only time will tell how this struggle will end. Today as the cloud fill the sky as a woman in a robe. I wonder how can I make my dream manifest in this #life? Can I make my hope with broken wings or use another angel to guide me. Needing help is what I may be relying on to much but how can a wingless angel fly? Is it really wrong for a wingless angel to fly? Maybe he is right and I'm just scarier to fly with broken wingers or maybe I'm afraid to fall. What ever that is I hope I can be a wingless angel in flight even if the fall of yesterday's are still on my skin. I want to soar beyond my horizon and Far into the skies of tomorrow. My dream is to stand on my two feet bearing my own weight. Living in the moment for the moment, enjoy the great green Earth that God gave. Only God know all my shining stars and the merit to my name. While everyone else see an empty paper in my book. God sees the ending with the book still close. Although I still see my sky are still gray and the rain wash away the progress of yesterday. God still sees my rainbow of tomorrow and send me dreams telling me my skies will not always be full of gray. As I stared into the sky I heard a voice behind me, "young lady the sky will be there tomorrow, can you clean your room?" It was my mom she was passing my room." Okay mom" I walk over to my bed as I turn towards the door to see my mom' head peaking through the open door. "I know", I stared at her and smiled. She walked down the stairs and into the laundry room.

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