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Blackbird: Chapter 2 Chapter 2: Raven's Point of View: I was still thinking about Demetri as I walled through the woods. He couldn't be human...right? My skin burned where his lips touched it Usually, men don't have this type of effect on me. I just brush them off, and continue on my way. But Demetri got under my skin. And ignited a fire that coursed through my veins. I shivered, suddenly realizing that walking through the woods, without using the trail, was extremely dangerous, even with my gift. I jogged back to the hotel, and slid through the back door. I kept my head down as I walked past the rooms of the guest, only to be grabbed my the wrist and spun around. A man, long black hair, stared at me with dark eyes. "I don't believe we've been acquainted." He murmured. "My name is Aro." He brought my hand to his lips, kissed it, and smiles down at me. Seriously, what is with these people and kissing and touching? Ever heard of the word space?! "I'm Raven," I replied, struggling to maintain eye contact. With my gift, I knew everything about him and his family already, but I refused to actually listen to what my brain was trying to show me. I wanted to live #life without knowing what would happen for once. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He said. "Now, how far is the next village, my dear?" "My carriage," I whispered. "It's about 2 days. But if you walk it's-" "Splendid!" He chirped. "Tell your father my family and I shall return after we have found what we are looking for." He smiled once more, turned, and swept out of the hotel. His family followed, and only Demetri stopped to stare at me. "Raven," he purred, running a hand along my cheek. I blushed furiously, and weakly pushed him away. "I shall see you soon, blackbird. Very soon." (That Night.....around midnight......) I was sitting in my bedroom, door closed, wearing nothing but a small nightgown that didn't even reach mid thigh, and nothing underneath. I wasn't tired. I was about to get up to go for a walk, but then a dark figure jumped through my window, covering my mouth before I could scream for help. This is what I get for not using my gift... In seconds, I was pinned on the bed. A candle was lit by the person, and I saw his face. Demetri. "Are you crazy?!" I hissed, pushing him off me. "I almost had a stroke! Why are you in my bedroom?" He was silent, not bothering to hide the fact that he was staring at me chest. "Well," he said finally, "I wanted to see if you were still awake." "It's unheard of for a grown man to be in a room with a female unless they are married or if there are others in the room." "I like your nightgown." Nice, how he changed the subject. And even make nice, how he played with the hem, slowly pulling it away from my pale legs. I was frozen in place as he slid the gown up to my waist, and my core was met with the cold air. He smiled innocently. "So beautiful...," he said huskily, nibbling at my earlobe. "May I have you?" I whimpered in response, as his hands touched parts of my body that no one has ever touched before. My gift chose, at that moment, to break through and show me my father coming to check on me. Somehow, Demetri knew too. He kissed me once, on the neck like he always did, and covered me with the blanket. "We will finish this, my little blackbird." Then, he jumped out the window, disappearing in the night.

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