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Forbidden Land CHAPTER 2 LEONA WATZON --------------------------------- I would take a trip to my cousin Leona Watzon's house that weekend. My mother was out of town, so she arranged everything for me. Leona is 19 years old, we don't get along that much, only because we are 6 years Apart. But, I still had Considered her as a sister because she was the only closest thing I had as a sister. I am an only child and always will be. Leona had Long dark brown hair with light blue eyes and pale skin. She is very all for her age. she has a big Imagination, she would tell me stories when I was a little girl."Leona remember how when I was little you would tell me fake stories. Leona had look at me with a surprised face. " rosemary I never said they were fake". I looked back and undid the covers on the bed," ya.. I know I just thought,. Leona cut me off and said" you don't Believe that is the problem, isn't it?. I thought in my head,( how can it be real, I really don't believe, do I). I looked at her and shook my head yes. " Unbelievable, your mother never taught you the joy in believing, did she?. " Leona, she never had time for all the Garbage"." It's not garbage rosemary, and you know that is the truth!, if it was garbage why did you love the stories so much!?. " Leona, I didn't mean it like that its just..." Just what rosemary, just that you don't have Appreciation for anything. "LEONA STOP". " why you never seamed to care for what I say!?. " Leona, my mom didn't teach me that because she only worried about Reality!, because if she did think of the Fantasy, she only thought of my father. "Rosemary you use your father for An excuse for everything". I turned off the light and all night I had dreamed about the stories she used to tell me, maybe they were true, or maybe she is messing up my head with junk. You really don't know anything when you know Leona watzon.

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