Translate   11 years ago

Blue Rose Academy Welcome to the Blue Rose Academy Highschool! Here we provide excellent classes and teachers for gifted students all around. Whether you are talented in the arts or sports, maybe weaponry is to your fancy! You have won a free scholarship to enroll to our lovely school! Get a parent or guardian to sign and you're here! This letter would change my #life. I knew it would. How did I even get it? Well that's for me to know, and you to find out. "Mom!" I shouted from the living room. "Yes?" "C'mere! I found something in the mailbox, it's for school." As soon as I mentioned school she was here. "Here, let me see..." Her eyes scanned it carefully. "A-Ah!! The B-Blue Rose Academy?!?!" "What about it?" "This is a very high class school!!! Only those so talented and have worked towards going here get in or you have to be rich to enroll!" "Ugh, a school filled with show-offs..." "You have to go here!" "Why?" "I said so!" More like it'll look good for me... Alright! That's the main intro! You guys now decide on her name,talent,personality, and looks!

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