übersetzen   12 Jahre

How Much Longer It's been years, years since I last saw you, years since I last cried, year since I last slept good, years since I had good sleep, years since I had a good night sleep, years since I was last in your arms, and most of all, years since I last heard and said 'I Love You'. ~2 years before~ "I have to move, to England," Jake said, I felt years, slowly, burning my eyes, I felt them threatened to spill out of my eyes, I felt one spill out of my eye, and roll down my cheek, "H-how l-lo-ng" I asked through my little sobs, he sighed, "Years, about 2 or 3 at the most, we will move back, but, Jessie, remember, I love you, forever and for always," ~present time~ It's been two years, where is he? What if he forgot about me? What if he found someone else? But most of all, what if he's hurt? I couldn't stop thinking of him, he was gone. Im alone. What if he never comes back? RIIIING! RIIIING! RII- " Hello?" My soft voice said into my cell phone, "I missed you Jessie," I heard on the other side of the phone, but it also sounded like it was behind me, slowly, I turned. Jake. A huge grin on my face, he returned it. Then everything vanished. How long was he gone?

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