Forbidden Land CHAPTER1 THE TEA SESSION --------------------------------- I know, I know this sounds Predictable for a girl like me to write a story like this. But my story is different and it starts like this.As I was walking to the garden for my mothers formal tea sessions, I couldn't help but stare at flower that looked so Peculiar. "ROSEMARY", my mother screamed my name so loud I bet the people from mars heard it." Coming mother, I'm coming" I shouted. " now, now rosemary you know you tea sessions are important for a young lady like you". I had Imagined more Important things than a cup of tea. Of course when you tell my mother that your Considered being Disobedient. There a couple things you should know about my mom. For one she has Interest that lacks of Entertainment. She also is very picky on everything. And has very old taste. I love my mom, don't get me wrong it is just these things can get on my nerves at times. My mother had spent most of her years working on the garden. But our garden is like a Enchanted Forest. The only difference is there isn't any trees. I blame my father, only because he made the way she is. My mom once was into all the exciting things in #life but now only treasures the things she has. Every time I Mention my father my mother and I seam to have this Awkward silence for a day or see my father was a great man but his greatness had ended soon. Over seas he had died of illness. Our family hasn't been the same since then. I sat down at the table with my mom and we had spoke of my father for the first time in many years. " rosemary, you know you fathers Anniversary is coming up very soon". I finished my sip of tea and said" yes, how could I forget something that. There was a silence between us when I had said that. My mother grabbed her stuff and went inside. I wanted to ask if it was something I had said, but I had left it alone. Instead I thought I would investigate The flower in the garden. I went looking and looking but it was like the flower had Disappeared
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