The Knights Of Eirelaian: Halfling Chapter Thirteen "You're late" Egan-Rahn ignored the comment and set the girl he was carrying on the ground. "I believe you'll find that you are early, Norcadius" he said bluntly, "Entirely not my fault that you and your men couldn't wait and caused the whole camp to be alerted in the process." "Still" he went on as the greichon messenger sneered angrily at him, "This may just work to my advantage. Call all your men here" "So you can use the dark fey queen to your advanta... Ack!" "I work for Queen Morgada and only her" Egan-Rahn spoke coldly as he drained the energy from the grey man, "Have you got that." A wheezing gasp and an unsteady nod was the response. "Hmmph! You're not worth wasting my powers on" the dark dragon fey said, throwing the greichon to the ground, "Now call all your men here or I'll call Queen Morgada and inform her of your disrespect of her plans" ~*~*~*~ Feeling the pull of the tree spirit trying to devour her soul Kirky shot an arrow at the creature below her, leaving it to scream into vanishing dust, before falling back into unconsciousness herself. As the waking world around her faded away, long forgotten memories began playing about her mind. One particular memory had the young archer trying to figure out where she could possibly have remembered it from. In it she seemed to be small and had a child's prospective of the world and the people there felt familiar even though she did not recognise them. Also she was hiding behind a curtain in a small cove in a great hall watching a man and four women talking among themselves: The two tall women each had dark hair and silver blue hair respectively while the slightly shorter woman had silver hair and the smallest one also had silver blue hair. "You need to stop running away to the Tariski Caves, Malinna" the tall dark haired woman was saying to the smallest woman, her rusted green-black and silver guard soldier's uniform stark in contrast to the smallest's long purple dress and head veil, "That place is evil and could badly affect your right as one of the ruling queens of..." "But Trista, I don't want to sha..." "That's enough, small princess!" the cloaked councillor-like man said to Malinna as he held Trista's hand in his, "You know full well that the prophecies state that three cousins will rule all when the sky fire and the storm cloud unite. One part of those prophecies is almost fulfilled," he indicated the twisted ribbons of forest green and midnight blue each wrapped around his own wrist and Trista's, "It'll be up to you to help Rayma and Kalikai to fulfil the rest." "The shadowed man says the prophecies are just fairytales" "What shadowed man?" "Shadowed man?" Malinna replied innocently, "Did I say that, Ray? I was just playing" "That, is not funny, Lin" Kalikai spoke sternly beside her, looking like a taller more elegant twin of her cousin except with slightly darker silver blue hair and sky coloured eyes, "Talking to strangers without following Royal protocol and having your guardian present or even joking about it is against..." Before Kirkia could even hear the lady finish, the memory went pitch black followed by screaming and shouting and what seemed like endless flashes of green lightening illuminating three fallen figures crumpled in the middle of the hall and crackling towards her. Brighter and brighter: Spark flash crackle spark flash crackle until..." "Kirkia!" Strong arms wrapped themselves around her and pulled her close: her love's heart beat thumping in her ear. "I'm sorry, Arryn" she said weakly, burying her face in the front of his apprentice knight's tunic, "I know it was stupid, but I had to, you know I had to" "I know you did," Arryn said gently as he kissed her forehead, "but next time please promise me you'll let me fight alongside you." He looked deep into her eyes as he said this. "I promise" Kirky answered him solemnly before glancing at what looked like a wooden sword carved into the side of the tree, "Arryn? Did you? Your sword. What did you do." "It wasn't all me" Kirkia frowned and then glanced over to where Rubi-Ahn was glaring fiercely at Leilani who was seemingly trying everything from sitting on her hands to shaking and waving them to get rid of the tiny green sparks dancing around and over them, then shook her head. It couldn't possibly be: Whatever it was. ~*~*~*~ "We have to tell them" "We can't" "But we have to at least tell her or it'll just be the same as the last time" "You're right, Sooj" Charralain answered the ginji soul guardian who in turn smiled triumphantly in response, "However not until we find the missing princesses." "Alright, fine" Soojejia sighed, looking at the painting of the two silver blue ladies hidden under silk cloth bundles in the Royal carriage tent, "I will look after the young lady knight while Lady Emma protects the crown princess until we find Princesa Kalikai and Small Princess Malinna, but we'll have to travel through the dangers of the white dust lake and reach Oakansglade before the next midnight if we are to have any chance" "Trust me" Lady Councillor Cloudthorn sighed, half laughing and shaking her head, "My ever so clever brother has that one planned already"
Andie Hutchinson
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Andie Hutchinson
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