çevirmek   12 yıllar önce

With every breath I take is equivalent to all the moves I didn't make because the love I wish to shear was never coming from her for the most part. Shit love was not her adjective making love is!Since some people are afeard to say " If you won't my dick say it but if you won't my heart mean it" or is it the lack of trust within ourself to open up to someone.Some of us don't have the confidants to say it when there is 10 shoulder to shoulder holding you down you tend to take it for what it is not for not for what it could be nothing but temporary satisfaction for the simple fact she just wanted a bar your boy the hole time ! For the simple fact of the matter it's the beginning that is the facade phase or show your true colors phase.Trying to decipher it can make or brake a sure thing. So we often over think it so you don't use good judgement! When she talks to men all the time we just automatically assume she's on the creep but all she is guilty of is being a good friend with a open ear and a warm heart because this what we need but pride has it's time of getting in the way and being way to dame insecure when you a masterpiece . When it boils down to it some of use it's the lack of deaf/compassion this is one of many thing that makes use human instead of Vesalius with nothing but ulterior motives when it comes to the opposite sex.Only if we could all way ourselves and be as blunt as posable to bad we feed lady what they won't to hear in other words game. Game is the true thing that cripple a lady and woman thinking that she found the one. But all you really found is one or two shots of cum and heart that goes numb while there is the way a bitch is born and a heart torn.One thing I can't stand is that most men take the easy way out.By getting a divine looking dum ass female that you can manipulate! On the other hand she dose one stupid thing after another then you have the audacity to call her a dum bitch all the time that's a good fucking counter diction so don't get a stupid chick and you won't stupid results.Having good look should only be 30% and the other 70% should be mental such as the way she conduct her self in public,work,and family how she handles #life on #life's trims how understanding is she dose she jump to conclusion how how while you get treated at the end a very hectic day.

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