Translate   11 years ago

Kira-Kira Kira-Kira (which means glittering in Japanese) is that book that pulls you in and makes you cry. It's a touching story about two Japanese sisters named Lynn, and Katie, are so close. Lynn is set to be Katie's #life long remodel. On day Katie hopes she's just like her. She's. smart beautiful and she can make a whole day of a box of tissues! When Lynn's not sure she'll make it she trusts her little sister Katie to be the new her of the family. Because well, Katie's not as perfect. At moments Katie wished Lynn wasn't looking down. But she hoped she was watched for some other stuff too. Lynn may not of followed her dream of seeing the ocean, but when Katie saw it with her own eyes, she could almost hear her sister's voice. "Kira-Kira! Kira-Kira!" Yes those new berry honor books do make you cry but give them a chance! Because if your like me at all, you would enjoy this book.

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