Cutters Journey It all started in 4th grade. I was teased, and pushed. Beaten and battered, no one seemed to care. My family never noticed. I thought that it was part of #life, that having enemies means your doing something right. Standing up for your your #life. But one faithful day in sixth grade was the day I hit rock bottom. My emotions were scattered my pain was altered. The day those girls actions hurt to greatly. The day Bree was woken up from her forever slumber. Crimson tears rolled down my palms as the razor slit my wrist. I cried in the shower so no one could hear my screams for help and pain. Bleeding showed me that i was alive. Pain was my strength. Till this day because of those people, I don't think Im beautiful because of the scars that take up more than half my body. #cutting#razors#blood

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