Poetic Assassination Depravity of a forsaken nation, ruined by poetic assassination, of ideals beyond and gone. Long before this atrocious war, we had lives worth living. A nation raped and plundered, it's citizens torn asunder, between the forces of good and bad. Why the audacity of hatred? Why the egregious insanity, why the ridiculous vanity, of the face of A Country beyond repair? Is there no hopes, no dreams, no way to alleviate the bloodcurdling scream of our worlds dying dream? The curtain calls, our leader falls, and we are forced to save ourselves. We revert to pain and worry, to scramble instead of scurry, all to make ourselves better. With clouds of gray instead of petty weather, we fight and fiend to find that golden key to pearly gates above. We disregard the Book of Heart, ignoring what it has to say. Denying and lying, it's message still relevant today. Damnation from foreign nations, from above and below. We jostle and are hostile, acting like demons from hell below. A savior is needed, the call still unheard, silence instead of answering words. Black veils of darkness, why don't we disarm this, a nation sent down to hell?

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