The #life Of A Dream The story of my dream. There was a girl and that girl was me. She walked through a dark #life in a series of moments. One of those moments was the death and mourning of someone special in her circle. Felt like the best friend of her best friend. The sadness was there and it was heavy but the pain was felt more by the people gathering at this row house. She stayed briefly to console her friends, then was off on her journey's next stop. It stayed dark, it felt like the sun never came out. She began walking down a dark, deserted back street wondering if she was still going the right way, feeling kind of lost, when this faceless man dressed in dark clothing approached her. He felt kind and safe. The man briefly stopped and told her that she was going the right way before he leaped toward the highest point of a fence and disappeared by flipping and climbing the sides of the brick buildings like a ninja in a movie. As she stood there for a moment not really believing the amazing things that this amazing man just did, she looked around and although it felt like it had been just him and her, there had been a couple of people around oblivious to what just happened. She realized after the shock that there was nothing really there so she had to keep walking. Just empty gated fields and the backs of what looked like factory buildings. So she again began on her journey, in the direction of that wonderful man, thinking to herself two things: if she could do amazing things like that and would she ever see him again. She found herself at a baby store and applying for a job there. On her first day reporting she met a lady who approached her with a tooth that had fallen out of her mouth and had asked her, what should she do with it. The girl was startled by this question and responded with an uncertain answer. she then saw the amazing man again and he was carrying boxes up some stairs to their storage area and of course she followed him asking all kinds of questions about what she witnessed at their last encounter. They talked and laughed and became the best of friends. A friendship she had never known before. Then there was a hug that she will never forget for all the days of her #life then he told her that he would always be there when she needed him. Then without any kind of warning three people in dark clothing and hideous faces appeared out of nowhere angry and hostile, attacking her and her new friend. He fought one. She fought one and they handled the last one together, back to back, in sync with one another. She didn't have enough time to feel fear and she knew she had her helper but she was very confused as to what just happened and why. He grabbed her by the hand as they ran out the store and through the streets together she noticed that it was light outside. He briskly guided her to a, what seemed to be, underground cavelike building with a inconspicuous door and no windows. On the way to the door she was approached by a little boy who wanted to let her know that he had also lost a tooth. She felt the darkness overwhelm her by the stark contrast from the light outside. She remembers feeling like the people there were hiding from the danger of being exposed. Then they hurried inside and closed the door behind them. There were about a handful to a dozen people there explaining to her that they had to worship God in this way. In secret. They were kind and caring just like her new friend so she once again felt safe. Her and her friend were sharing kind words and loving glances off to the side when they were again attacked by these evil beings. There were more of them, but there was also more help for her. The fighting had occurred again but this time she was certain the outcome would be in their favor. Her and her friend had moved together similar to those amazing ways she had seen her partner do that amazing night. He would grab her by the hands and swing her as her feet kicked them off their feet and onto the floor and onto one another. She would flip and run up walls with great speed, punching and kicking them until they were defeated and retreated as fast as they had came upon them. Everybody had been doing the very same thing, working as a team. She looked around and her friend was gone, he had disappeared without a word or explanation. And she was back on her journey alone. She went back to the place where she was sure he would be. She went to the store they had worked at together. But he was not there. She was greeted by the lady who had told her about her tooth. The lady explained some things to her and as she did one of the girls tooth fell right out her mouth into her hand without any pain or warning. She once again felt a rush of confusion about what had just happened, being that she was too old to be losing teeth. They left the store and the lady showed her the way to her next destination. She and the girl ended their journey at the back of a big beautiful house with tall pillars and a grand staircase overlooking a long pool. It once again became night. As she approached she would again see those beings. So she confidently prepared herself for a fight but this time was different, the lady disappeared and she had no help. So it seemed. She was holding her own when her mate joined in and they defeated them for the last time. As they walked up the stairs to enjoy their view the lady returned to tell the girl that she would not be able to tell everybody what she did, saw, and knows because they would not understand. She gave them both a pleasing and proud smile as she left them to love each other at the back of the mansion, where they were in a spirit filled embrace. When that girl woke, me, when I woke I had gone on with my #life as usual for a couple more years not really thinking too much of the dream. Until one day my best friend's best friend passed away and I started on my journey and was left wondering if I would ever find that amazing man. And I have and his name is Jesus! And i have and His name is journey began.

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