Chapter 1 Luke's POV *flashback to when he was 13* "Luke, wake up!" I peeled my heavy eyelids open, expecting to have to adjust to light, I was met by darkness. Why is it dark? Confused, I shuffled over to where the voice came from to find Lauren perched on the edge of my bed. All I could see was the outline of her body and a messy bun on the top of her head. "Lauren?" I whispered, reaching my hand out. Taking it, she confirmed it was her by doing our super secret hand shake. "What time is it?" I asked, rubbing my tired eyes. "2am." Lauren whispered back, her voice shaking. "What's wrong Lauren?" "I had to get away. Dad was yelling at mum again, she started crying and shouting back. I know this is the usual but then, I can't even believe it. He, he, he punched her. Right in the face. I heard the crack. They thought I was in bed, but I was at the door witnessing the whole argument. My instinct told me to run, so I came here. It was the only place I knew. You're the only one I trust, you always make me feel better and I needed you. Sorry it's so early in the morning and that I let myself in, but I found the spare key you left in my room." She explained crying. I fumbled towards her and engulfed her in a hug, hushing her and rubbing her back as she whimpered into my chest. Poor Lauren, her parents are always arguing. That's hard on her, especially since she is an only child. I'd have my twin and older brother to talk to and comfort me, she has nobody to cry to. Well, she has me. And I will always comfort her. No matter what time it is. Sniffing, Lauren pulled away and rubbed my top where she had had her head. I didn't care if she had any mascara on it, I just want my best friend to be ok. I'd never seen her looking so vulnerable, Lauren's the strongest girl I know. Nothing gets her down, at least she doesn't show it if anything does. And know it is clear that things do get to her, I guess everything got too much for her. That's what happens when she bottles up. She says she's 'fine' and then later when she's aloe she completely breaks down. I hate seeing her upset, she's my best friend. All I want is for her to he happy. Me and Lauren had always been best friends, but it was that night that completed our friendship. We gained total trust in each other, and we learnt new things about each other. Like how sarcastic Lauren is, indescribably witty and quick. Never seen anything like it! But, I love it. Her sense of humour is brilliant. *end of flashback* Hey, my name is Luke. Here's a little about me: Name: Luke Brooks Age:18 DOB:May 5th, 1995 Eye colour:Brown Hair colour:Brown with blue fringe Family: twin brother Jai, and older brother Beau (19). I live with my mum and brothers. Hobbies: video making, hanging with friends and music. Bestfriend(s): I have a group of friends, but my best friend is called Lauren. We've been best friends for as long as I can remember, we are extremely close. And I love her, like a sister. She's part of the family practically.

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