Translate   11 years ago

Justin And I - Chp 8 Okay. Just no. I swear this is like 18+ or something. Basically no story just REALLY BAD sexual content. Thats all it is. In a lot of detail. so if you skip it your not missing anything. Just warning you Lily's POV I was waiting at the airport really excited. Los Angeles. LA! Whoooo. I spent the last of my savings on the flight and I had rung Katy. She was so happy and I was staying with her. I decided to take a break from boys, not have any boyfriends but I was still flirty. I had put on laced shorts, they were so small they only covered my butt and a bikini top. It looked weird on the plane but I was gonna do my best to get people's attention. Like I said, very flirty. It was great. Boys were crowding me and even some girls were coming close. No. I'm not a lesbian. Maybe I am. I can have a few boyfriends and girlfriends right? Since Justin cheated on me I feel more free. More daring. I can do what I want. I'm 19. Okay forget what I said about having no boyfriends. I'm gonna be a naughty little girl. I'm gonna go clubbing every night. Getting a new boyfriend or girlfriend every night. That's the true me. "Ladies and Gentlemen, the plane to Los Angles is now ready to board," a speaker blared. I got my suitcase and lugged it over to the boarding section there was a long queue already and finally I got on the plane. I looked back at California where I spent the most disastrous vacation ever and took my seat. I closed my eyes and the plane took off. "Excuse me?" A boy said. I woke up. "Yeah?" "Is anybody sitting here?" He gestured towards the empty seat. "No it's fine. Come sit down," I looked at the boy. He was cute. Second boyfriend here I come. He sat down and patted my bikini. "Nice bra," he smirked. I put my hands under his top and patted his abs. "Nice abs." I leant in for a kiss. I wanted to taste his lips but he turned away. "Not gonna happen!" He said laughing. I turned his head round and he kissed me. A smile appeared on our lips and made me deepen the kiss. I pushed my tongue through his mouth and licked him. He tasted of toothpaste. Haha. He wrapped his arms around me and snaked them to my bikini fingering the strap. My hands unzipped his jeans and squeezed his underwear. They also snaked under his underwear. He smirked and put his hands under my bikini. His mouth came off mine and daringly put one of my breasts in his mouth. I groaned not getting enough. "Shut up," somebody said from behind and I pulled away and laughed. "So. What's your name?" I asked. "Jamie, yours?" "Lily. How old?" "20. You?" "19. Girlfriend?" "Yup. Boyfriend?" "No." ah. He was cheating on her. I smiled. Jamie opened his bag. Inside were full of beers. "Drunk night," I said. "Haha. Wet," he replied cheekily. I got myself a bottle and drank quickly so I could have another. He did the same and soon we were as drunk as anything. We didn't get up, we just stayed in our seats making love to each other. "Hey. My child is here so can you put some clothes back on please?" Someone asked. "Dude. Your kids gonna be doing this soon. Better show them how it's done," Jamie said. We were at first class so we had loads of space. I put his bulge in my mouth and he did the same. We had closed the curtains so nobody could see us. My legs were apart so he could run his hands up and down tickling me. My hands were on his abs. We changed back so I was kissing him again. "I taste good," he said through the kiss as he licked me. I pulled away and stood up. I glanced up and down his body wanting to get a full view. He pushed me down not wanting to waste time. We'd be there in 20 mins. We talked to each other while snogging. I didn't want to leave his taste. I was on him talking through him. "Why you here?" "Family," he replied. "Shut up now. I wanna taste you again," he said. On the bed he had his legs apart and so did I. Our heads were in the gaps. My legs were wet from his saliva and I started licking his too. "You know I'm doing this for today right." I said. "Yeah. I won't forget you though," he replied groaning. "Oh yeah," I moaned. He was a pure sex god. The speaker blared that we were landing. We put our clothes on and opened the curtains. My head was on his lap and he bent down to snog me. I was still wet from god knows what. I loved it though. I was such a rebel. I was planning to find somebody else after we got off the airport. Once the plane had landed I saw someone greet Jamie. Probably his girlfriend. I winked at him and he winked back. They started snogging and i wondered of she could taste me in the depths of Jamie's mouth. I smirked and I got a cab to Katy's house. She opened the door naked. She was like me too. A rebel. Probably lesbian. "Hey girlfriend!" I kissed her on the cheek. She kissed me back. "No clothes?" I asked laughing. "Na. I was thinking. Me and you. Bed?" "Yeah!" I ripped off my clothes (not that I had many.) before we got on the bed I told her about having sex with Jamie. "It's fine Lily. I have sex with boys and girls ALL the time. You get some really sexy dicks here." She snogged me, man she tasted good, and I pushed her on the bed and pounced. "You know how to do it," she said. "Believe me I've had a lot of practice." I sexed her and it was amazing. Her boobs were irresistible. I put them in my mouth and played around with the other. She did the same. I got up eventually and strutted about the house naked. Now we had sex why put on clothes? A couple of times she pushed me against the wall reliving the moment. I groaned so did she. Ah. Her breasts. Her nipples. I was a mighty lesbian now. She played with mine. Putting them in her mouth. We didn't kiss no. We put our breasts in our mouths. My tongue licked her nipples and we smirked. We were the same height so we could make love at the same time. I snogged her and played with her beautiful blonde hair. Beautiful. She pushed me against the wall harder. The window was open and some teenagers were staring at us. "Lesbian?" One asked. "Duh you bitch!" I called. Katy put her mouth on mine. She pressed harder and harder. There was so much pain. But such a good feeling. I closed my eyes and let out a deep moan. This was crazy. But awesome. I stopped having sex with her so could feel her vagina. She felt mine. Her arse was just like heaven. We had butt sex. But my arms reached back and snaked around her body. I found her breasts and squeezed. I turned her to face me, not wanting to lose the taste of her tongue and mouth. I kissed her one last time and said, "wanna go clubbing." "I wanna feel you more. Get your fucking mouth on mine so we can sex again." I smirked and she finally agreed.

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