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The Soul Of A Pixie Chapter 1 Sixteen year old, Shaylee Robinson, sat on the quiet bench in Lord Howe Island Marine Park. It was full of coral reefs and she loved to take pictures of any wild#life there was. Her best friend Charlotte Brasko, came over and saw how miserable she looked. "Why so sad today?" Charlotte wondered. "I'm just remembering my brake up with Cody. I never should have trusted him." "It's because he saw someone else right." "Ya," Shaylee screeched. "Remember, I was at a restaurant and wanted to make this the perfect date because he was going to give me a promise ring! I waited an hour and when I left, I saw Cody but his hair died brown, styled and wore something very unusual. He was with . . . . I saw . . . . hugh RUBY!!!!!!!!" "Don't worry, that brat will be leaving for University by the end of the year and going back to Sydney in no time," Charlotte said trying to calm her down. "I don't get even thought I might not look the finest but I have the kindest heart, Ruby looks her finest but has a devils heart," Shaylee said trying to calm down. "Now we were given a task to see who could take a picture of an Australian Gannet in the next 24 hours, it must be created into your own edit. To get an awesome mark try and get more than one at a time. If we do this correctly we at least get an A on photography", Charlotte whispered getting all excited. "Let's go down by the beach", Shaylee said getting all excited. They both walked around so carefully. Shaylee even found a Gannets' nest. The found more than one and took a picture. There was a secret that their photography teacher Mr. Hansel, told them at trick. You can take 2 pictures and put them together as one picture. So they got extra marks for that. Shaylee walked with Charlotte to the house that they both splited. When they got to the house they wrote an essay to put a cherry on top. They talked about how they used the editing program, picture angles and words. They wrote 5 page essay and a 10 paged story. "We should probably hit the sack", Charlotte said yawning. "I'm just gonna look at the stars for a few minutes", Shaylee said. " Read this #quote, it'll make you feel better. Don't even give it back to me." The read: Dear Amelia, How are you? I hope your enjoying yourself. I need to see you more often. Never be afraid to have a good day without me. If you have a bad day, put it behind you. If your smiling and having, I would keep it like that. I'll be seeing you in Sept-. Shaylee stopped reading and put the note in her special place. "Thank you Charlotte", Shaylee thanked. "I'll start reminding you of the note." "I'm gonna put this in my purse and if I'm feeling down, just say read the note",Shaylee said. The girls went to bed so tired. They never wanted to wake up.

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