Seduction By Night The smell of unshed rain held captive by dark angry storm clouds hung thick in the air. The temperature had dropped just enough so as to make one glad to have on a light weight jacket. Having been so caught up in the thoughts of her own head, Nia Price had no idea when the black ominous storm clouds had rolled in. She did, however, notice that it had become so dark outside that the street lights had come on at four in the afternoon. Feeling the temperature change, she reached back and lifted the hood on her navy blue hoodie and prepared to get wet. Better find a place to ride out the storm. Looking around the littered street it dawned on her, she didn't recognize this neighborhood. She hated getting so lost in her thoughts that her body moved of its own accord. She never knew, until afterwards, what she had done during those lapses from reality. One time she had prepared an entire meal completely unaware. And now it appeared she possessed the ability to get lost. Great. Well at least the filthy street was lined with several humble shops. Shops that looked as though they were barely standing, but would keep her dry none the less. She hoped. She jogged over to the shop closest to her with its flakey gray paint concealing decaying bricks only to find the door locked. That's weird. The wind picked up speed blowing her shoulder length chestnut hair around her face and throat threatening to suffocate her. She swept it behind her ears and tucked the ends into the collar of her hoodie hoping that would hold it in place. Racing over to the next shop she drew on the handle. As with the one before, it was locked. Right. Next shop. Locked. Anxiousness became her driving emotion. As fat heavy drops of rain began to tumble from the sky and thunder boomed like an eruption overhead Nia began frantically scanning the store fronts. There was no indication of people anywhere. No open signs glowing in welcome. What the hell? Who closed up shop at four in the afternoon? And the whole neighborhood appeared to be the same way. It just didn't make sense. Lightning illuminated the sky and thunder bellowed from above causing Nia to duck, throwing her arms over her head as if she half expected something to fall on top of her. She straightened, searching for shelter anywhere she could find it. She spotted a rusty metal shed about a block away. It was leaning uncertainly against the building to its right. The shift had created a crack next to the door that was just big enough for her to squeeze through. She would have to ride out the storm in there. As quickly as this thing was progressing that was her only option. As the rain fell faster and harder she made a run for it. By the time she reached the opening and wiggled her way inside she was soaked to the bone. The thunder and lightning grew more intense and menacing. The wind was blowing so hard the shed groaned in protest, straining to stay intact. Maybe this wasn't the best place to be she thought. If it collapsed in on her there was no way she could dig herself out on her own. Suddenly there was a flash of lightning immediately followed by thunder that sounded and felt as if it were right outside the door. Frightened, Nia started backing her way into the farthest corner prepared to cower. All the while she hoped the decrepit shed would stay as upright as it had been when she had entered it. Suddenly her back came up against something hard and warm. Her hands explored the mysterious object she had backed into. That was not the wall! She spun around so quickly she found herself sprawled in the center of the shed. Lifting herself up on her elbows she strained to see what she had come in contact with. That's when she saw him. Glowing eyes as green as a traffic light. "Sorry love. Corner's taken," came the low husky voice with the English accent.

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