The Problem Of The Piercing If y= 5x+ 43, then which of the following points intersects with the line?' I sigh as I struggle with my algebra II homework. As soon as I am once again immersed in equations and variables, the door is thrown open. "Charlie-boy," shouts a familiar voice. "I'm back!" "How on earth did you get in?" I ask, perplexed. "The door was locked." "I've known where you keep the spare key for, like, six months." Vic walks in with his usual swagger, confident smirk in place. Everything about him is the same, except... "What the hell did you do to your face?" He is wearing two silver rings, which wouldn't be unusual except that there is one in his nose and one in his eyebrow. "It's for a case," says Vic reassuringly. Strangely, this does not make me feel any better. "The Locker Room Stalker? She likes piercings and I have to get closer to her to prove that she's the one taking the pictures." "Well, are you going to keep them in?" Vic winks. "You'll see." I look down at my papers, ready to reignite the fight between myself and my linear equations, when a cell phone rings, blaring Chopin. "That's me," Vic says, sliding the cell phone in question out of his pocket. "Vic Buchanan, very single student detective, how may I help you? Yes. Yeah. Okay. Great. Bye." A crooked smile splits his face. "Come on, Monroe. We've got ourselves a lead."

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