Elbows and Eyelashes If he had the strength to he would have told her how he loves the dimples on his cheeks, because she once loved the dimples on his cheeks. And he loves the way his bones jut from his elbows, because that's what she loved long ago. If she had the valour to she would have told him how, she once loved the dimples on his cheeks, but they faded to fragments of the past. And she loved the way his bones jut from his elbows, but now the skin is stretched to barely fit. She prayed to the heavens for the courage to love him once more. He looked to her perfect eyelashes, now drenched and swimming in her scarlet tinted skin. He reached to rid of the tears and restore her porcelain tone. But his touched was lost on her, and she was empty. His desperation was worthless. He feared that if he said anything, he would lose her completely.

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