Dead Silence His hand quivers as he releases his finger from the trigger. He'd never killed a man before, he never could have imagined how he'd be feeling about it... Nothing in the world could of prepared him for it. He falls to his knees and looks at his victim. He watches the rain water flow into his victims gunshot wound and how it intertwined with the blood, how it ran down his face, separating like rivers into different channels all leading to a pool by his thighs. The man, started to weep, he collapsed his head into his hands and burst into tears. He'd vowed to kill this man, he made the promise to his mother on her death bed he would kill the man responsible. He couldn't believe he had done it, five long years and this is how it ends. Executing an old man, who was unarmed, an old man who pleaded for his #life, pleaded for his children and his wife. But he did not listen. As he sits there and weeps he realises his #life is nothing, he realises that he's done what was needed of him. But how does one return to normality after such an experience? As he sobs he feels the end of the barrel stick in to his temple... He pushes harder. He spits, shouts and babbles his last words to the dead old man. The sound echoes through the alleyways, it won't be long now until sirens break the silence... Before the story is buried with them.

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