Alice In Underland Wander and walk, Take Alice over the top. Don’t ever look behind you, Don’t ever stop. For the Land of Wonder, Has changed - Gone down, far under. All the magic, Has sunken down, In a plunder. It’s become worse than lame, Not even the littlest bit insane. But instead, As we’ve seen it, It’s almost nearly dead. Wonderland becomes something, A tad bit too quiet. The White Rabbit’s search, Will send your stomach a lurch. The Mad Hatter’s hats, Will never quite be the same, We’ll leave it at that... Yes, Wonderland has plunged, To such a state of the matter. It seems that before, We were mistaken - The truth has us shaken, But it seems, Wonderland has been truly been forsaken. The Cheshire’s smile, As sinister as its always been, But that was just his style, We thought for awhile... Take Alice far off, To a place where she can wander, Just a little longer. For we think Wonderland, Has gone ill. How it brings us a chill, This sickness of the mind. Take Alice somewhere safe, Out of harm’s way. Just whatever you do, Don’t let her see Wonderland, As it falls to decay.
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