перевести   12 лет назад

The Vision Well You there, Peek down this well. What do you see? What do you smell? Hush, don’t tell. You’ll ruin it, Mademoiselle. What is it, You ask? I’ll tell you, Very well. This, Little Miss, Is the Wishing Well. The Vision Well. A small chasm, Like an abyss. And oh my! When it comes dry, You’ll have to drop by, And help us make, Another well, Anew. Now then, What does it do, You ask? This, Little Miss, Is the place where secrets, Are set to brew. Where nightmares, Are poured in a sprue. Where dreams are sewn, And put together, Like glue. And snap! Just like that, Right out of the blue, To you. That, Little Miss, Is what this abyss, Will do.

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