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Superman A woman came up to me, she was angry and upset. She showed me a picture of a young boy, her son, he'd died in a car crash. She asked me why I hadn't saved him. She started to cry and began hitting me. A police officer came over took her away, all I could say was that I was sorry. Do you have any idea how many of you are dying at any one moment? I mean, not of disease, that's not my skill set, I mean in situations where my intervention could make a difference. No? Well it varies quiet a bit, but generally it runs into the hundreds. All happening simultaneously. And I feel it all. All the pain, anger, agony, despair, confusion, loneliness. I also feel their forlorn hope, that I may be coming for them and their despair and rage when they realise I'm not. I'm fast, really very fast, but just not fast enough. So I have to choose. Choose where I can be most use and it's almost always the big stuff, with the important people. And while I'm doing this and everyone is cheering and saying how great I am, hundreds of men, women, and children spread around the world die pointless deaths hating my guts with their dying breaths. I don't do this to prop up my ego. There's something else though. It's not all bad stuff. There is joy, love pouring out of you, filing your lives. Your optimism, your belief that things will get better. In the face all evidence to the contrary you press on. Your bravery and your ability to overcome apparently insurmountable obstacles is astonishing, quite frankly. It is this that has driven you on to achieve so much. This your super power. I have to say though, speaking as a superhero and global guardian, your species is extraordinarily high maintenance.

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  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
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