Captive At Seventeen. Introduction Follow everything the way he said to,walk down the back hallway,follow the green lights flashing on the ceiling and keep your heads low so no one sees your faces,he'd given us disguises so it'd be harder for the average guards to recognize who the twelve people were in the hats,shirts,and loose,ripped up jeans were. I grabbed the key card,which unlocked every door in this building,and slid it into the lock for the back door. Okay,first part done,I held the door for everyone else after I'd stepped in then let it shut gently behind me. I took my place at the front of the line,seeing as they were all watching for my direction,just like they had for the last four years,I looked around,in front of me,then over my shoulder,to my left and to my right. He must have been able to keep them occupied. I trusted him to keep his word,I had to,otherwise I'd go into complete panic and run back,just like last time...I couldn't let the twelve girls behind me down again. I kept forward turning all the corners,opening all the doors with his key card,then finally the green lights ended. I halted as I looked at the door,I'd seen it many,many times before now. The only problem was,I hadn't the slightest idea how to get through that door. I smiled at my comrades as I walked ahead and unlocked the door...we all felt something we hadn't felt seen since we were brought to this place we've all been kept captive in. We

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