The Journey Of An Actress So I'm trying to think of something meaningful to say and pour my fucking heart out and all I can come up with is a wining groan of "oh I'm in a catch 22, I need a new job, why won't anyone hire me?" Yeah so that's pretty annoying. Well it has me thinking I can't be the only one in this situation. In fact I know I'm not the only one with this pent up frustration of being just out of reach of your ideal career, and ending up in a blubbering mess of snot and tears. Well I've decided to blog my journey into getting regular work as an actress. We'll start off with where I'm at now which is living in north London working full time in a bar. Currently I need to stay working full time in the bar as rent went up and now it's a struggle to afford anything(Boohoo whatever). August I can move (yay). That means cheaper apartment so I can afford to get head shots done and get an agent. I'm also trying to get a new job because working for a huge corporate company that only pays minimum wage is... well shit. So far I've had many an interview but never got the job for numerous reasons such as; " you're just not what we're looking for." Followed by sexism"The role is better suited for a man." And the best one, "I'm sorry you're just over qualified for this position." Why is being over qualified a bad thing surly it would just mean I have the ability to do the job well and you can pay me less than what I'm worth. Well this is a first post they'll get better. I will start adding in aubscurities and and general idiocity I see whilst working a pub and using good ol' London transport.

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