Translate   11 years ago

Eternity Chapter 5 Alex called me over to sit, and pulled a chair out. I dropped down. He saw how tired I was, "Are you ok?" I looked down at the blocks in front of us, what game is he planning to play with me? He lowered under my view, "Hello?" I blinked, "What?" He moved back, "You tired or something?" I moved a little red block with a finger as I replied, "Yeah..." He sighed and sat back, "Me too." He looked down where I fiddled with the blocks, building whatever. It came to look more like a tower, so I continued to build it. He smiled as he watched, "You're not so bad at this." For some reason my cheeks flushed red. I never blushed over a compliment before. I giggled, and then he smiled more. He was so sweet. I finished building and sat back. He looked at my tower in awe, "Look at that." He leaned around to see me, "I wonder if you can build the Eiffel Tower next." I smiled blushing and looked away, he chuckled a bit too. I never met anyone like him. And with everything that happened in the past, Alex was different. Being with him... never made me feel alone. Not anymore.

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