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The Outcast Chapter 1 In a heartbeat the forest exploded, birds erupted into the cold, night sky squawking like sirens warning others of the danger. Trees fell to their stumps like dominoes as the beast rampaged getting evermore ferocious and angry. Rain pierced the canopy as lightning struck the ground creating tornadoes of earth and tree. Hope faded as the demon emerged from its prison of slumber. The demon took the form of a bear, but a bear possessed is a bear like no other. The Farken is built like a gorilla, with strong arms small fat legs the monster pounds along shaking the earth with each step. If you challenge the Farken, death would be your main goal because the Farken is a messy eater, he plays with his food until they're begging him to be eaten. There is only one who can tame the demon and that is the Outcast.

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