Giving Up To The Darkness Down the hallway I ran, His arms my destination. Anyone and everyone in my way moved to the side, as if they knew nothing could stop me from reaching him. But as I ran, pushing myself faster and faster to make it too him as soon as possible, He seemed to be getting further away. Was he putting space between us? No, his arms were outstretched. He wanted me, he was waiting for me! I ran harder, as if something was chasing me, as if my #life depended on it. But the faster I ran, the further he disappeared into the distance. I said his name. I cried it out, I screamed it at him, begging for him to return. I collapsed to my knees, watching them bleed beneath me. My heart pounded so hard, I thought it would burst out of my chest. I couldn't catch a breath, from running? From seeing him? From watching him retreat? It didn't matter, because I could no longer see him. He wasn't there waiting for me. He saw me and left. I lay back with my hands on my temples. I was done. I give up. I last feel my head hit the tile, and then everything went black.

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