Tradurre   13 anni fa

Bird the city blinks the sky's lid closing the wind tickles me like lashes and the#moonbrushes my cheek the night takes me in holds me tightly, safely. my steps so light as I move down the hill toward the sleeping cities heart, by two young lovers embraced like an old wartime photograph, his leg thrown out to support her weight and every step a step closer, closer to where your eyelids twitch as your dreams excite you, to where your breath comes steady and slow and deep, to where your lips, open so slightly brush the cotton, your body makes the shape of a runner but lies still and heavy on the bed. I know what your breath will taste like and how your skin will feel against mine. I know for I feel and taste you over and over in my mind as I move like a bird through the city and to you my love. Oliver Cole

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