Traduzir   12 anos atrás

Sleep O Sleep The sleep fairies have come to take me away, They laugh at the fact that I'm wide awake, I hope that they can time their time with mine, So I lie in bed and wait for a sign. Now fairies you see, can be playful and mean, They love to play tricks, and never be seen, They like to tempt you with sleep, and then take it away, Amused when you're up for over a day. Now they sit on my lids and sow sleep in my eyes, They whisper in my ears soft lullabies, They caress the space between my brow and my hair, Lay my hands by my sides and say 'Sleep now, there there'. As my body relaxes and lets go of my mind, The fairies dance on my pillow singing 'Let go, unwind!'. They are eager to lead me to the land of sweet dreams, Where they can play in mind, where it's not as it seems. But by sunrise the fairies tire of my frets, Of my daily concerns and my deepest regrets. So the world calls me back and the fairies let go. Until I'll wait again for the sleep that they sow.

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