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Words Will just Be Words Till You Bring Them To #life (1D Fan Chapter 4. "They're burning!!!" The frantic voice of Louis is the thing to wake me. My eyes widen and I shoot out of bed and rush to the room next door. "No!! Not the muffins!" I hear Harry half laugh, half yell. Liam grabs the fire extinguisher and a flurry of white is blown into the room. Once the room clears Niall bursts into the kitchen. "Are the muffins alright!?!" He screams, wearing a deep green shirt which read,'Kiss me. I'm Irish!' and long grey sweats. Louis turns his head and says solemnly, " Sorry lad,but I'm afraid not." Niall's eyes turn sad and he drops onto his knees, shaking his fists in the air. I stand in the door way, taking in what just happened. I start to snicker, then that snicker turns into a laugh. Soon I am hunched over laughing till the point of crying. All five boys have now noticed me in the room. Niall,who is now cured from his hysterics, is staring at me, looking concerned. "Are you okay?" He questions. I glance up smiling, knowing just what to say at this particular moment. "I am just fine, thanks for asking." Note: Sorry this chapter is short. A lot will happen next chapter, I promise! Thank you for supporting this story. I think that it's just fun writing it. Bye!

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