Translate   11 years ago

Perfect Imperfection It was the year 1940, and the dead of winter. Feliciano Vargas, an 18 year old Jewish Italian, had barely managed to take a few days off from university. It was winter; the holidays, so he thought he'd spend this time to be with family and friends. As he skipped happily down the snowy stone pavement, wrapped generously in his thick, long, black coat; he hummed to himself. An old war hymn that was originally sung by the Germans in the last world war. World War I. The tune was eerie but there was that hint of innocence that always seemed to linger in the background. He could care less though, to him, music was music whether it had the ability to speak to you or not. Feliciano's honey colored eyes glanced up at the sky, watching in awe as the snow fell in tiny blurred specks of white, like stars finally reuniting with the world after their long journey in the heavens. It was simply beautiful. He smiled to himself. "I wonder if Ludwig is enjoying the winter back in Germany. I heard it was going to be harsh this year…" he smiled inwardly, his cheeks taking the color of a rosy red at the thought of said man. As if someone was watching, he tucked part of his auburn colored hair behind his ear in a shy manner and chuckled, he could feel the butterflies in his stomach haywire with delight. After a while, a content sigh escaped passed his lips and from then, he couldn't stop smiling. Feli arrived at the door step of a huge, gothic styled house, that warm 'at home' aura overpowering the dark agricultural style. He knocked on the door and waited patiently for someone to open up, eventually someone did and greeted him with hugs, big smiles, and kisses to his cheeks. He chuckled again. "Nonno, Lovino, Antonio! Feliciano's here!" A younger Jewish Italian boy called to said people, resulting in a flood of people plaguing the doorway. Feliciano backed up a bit in fear of being consumed by the frenzied group of people, it was heart warming that everyone was looking forward to seeing him, but it wasn't as if he were some kind of famous movie star. His cheeks flushed a deeper red than before. "Ciao a tutti!~" he chimed happily the moment someone grabbed ahold of his hand and pulled him into the crowd of people, "Come va ragazzi?" For a second, the crowd went completely silent, then if on cue, everyone answered, "Molto buono!". With that they all went inside to the warmth of their home and commenced the holiday festivities, laughing, singing, eating, and drinking. There wasn't a frown plastered across anyone of their slightly tanned faces. ---- Nonno= Grandpa Ciao a tutti= Hello everyone Come va ragazzi?= How are you guys? Multo buono= Very good

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